Brainy Bunch
The Brainy Bunch is an academic club of meritorious students of HI- TECH Institute of Engineering and Technology.
The objective of Brainy Bunch is to motivate students to perform well and groom their hidden talent and nourish their skills to be successful technocrats. We regularly communicate to our students to overcome their obstacles in the path of their learning and provide training, mentoring from industry-academia experts. Students are enlightenment so that they can came up as a rising star.
Head of the department HOD’s select the top 10 students from each course on the basis of their academic performance and those students are rewarded and appreciated so that they can work with more enthuses in the direction for achieving goal. The main aim of our club Brainy Bunch is to motivate the students to score well in the examination as well as in other college activities. Brainy Bunch Club focuses on these bright students so that they shine, in industries and Govt sector.
To be the member of Brainy Bunch, one must not have any back in the examination and the percentage must be equal or above 75%.
Brainy Bunch Award -12 Nov 2022
HI- TECH Institute of Engineering and Technology organized an event for the welfare of all such students who did well in their academics. Distributed medals, certificates including cash among these students.
Outcome of this Club
Brainy Bunch Club students inspire other students to be the part of the club; money is not the hurdle for bright students. As Brainy Bunch bright students are praised and rewarded by cash prize.
Prize Distribution Ceremnoy