Admissions related & general enquiries: 7011686365, 7011686367, 7011686368, 9818697091   JEE & CUET related enquiries: 7011686365, 7011686367, 7011686368, 9818697091 (Click to visit HIET-CUET website)
For Training & Placement related queries, please contact: Ms. Lavi Garg (8595229749), or Mr. Sumit Prajapati (7011686369)

Corporate Connect Program Centre


To become a key department that transforms students into competent professionals embedded with corporate skills.

  • To create learning atmosphere that fosters individual intellectual development.
  • To enhance exposure to corporate skills through activities for skills advancement.
  • To promote self motivation for further improvement and confidence building.

Corporate Connect Program

Corporate Connect Program(CCP) is a great initiative taken by Hi-tech Institute of management & Technology. Intellectual minds at Hi-tech are quite cerebral and realized the need of such a program to be started in-house for the benefit of their students. CCP lists out the development needs of students across the branches and semesters, frames modules to promote self improvement and development among students. The modules developed and utilized for training so far are: Time management, Presentation Skills, Group Discussions, Debates, Mock Interviews and many more.
CCP conducted series of Mock Interviews and Group Discussions (both Technical and HR) for final year students in the month of September 2017. The main objective was to prepare the students for campus interviews and hence enhance our placement rate.


Upcoming Events

    10th Feb- BhukkadPanti

    24 Feb- Tamp your feet
    10th March- Mini Militia game
    31st March- B Plan Challenge
    14th April- Handful of Rice
    28th April – Click a pic Contest
    4th May- Award Ceremony


To instill ethical and moral code of conduct among students.