Admissions related & general enquiries: 7011686365, 7011686367, 7011686368, 9818697091   JEE & CUET related enquiries: 7011686365, 7011686367, 7011686368, 9818697091 (Click to visit HIET-CUET website)
For Training & Placement related queries, please contact: Ms. Lavi Garg (8595229749), or Mr. Sumit Prajapati (7011686369)



Library information services play crucial role in learning and teaching activities and provide the opportunity for individual reading. The institute has a well-equipped library with sufficient seating capacity. It has meticulously chosen 43000 books of Indian as well as foreign origin with approximately 5000 titles. It has an elaborate collection of national and international journals on various aspects of engineering, management and related subjects which assist in disseminating information and updating knowledge.

The Hi-Tech Library is redesigned and renovated to fulfill the advanced needs of students. It has exclusive sections like:

Self-Study Section: Study and prepare for tests, assignments and projects.

Internet Section: Housed with computers having access to internet and spare electricity points for connecting laptops. Students can prepare their presentations and project work.

Discussion Room: It is a place dedicated to group discussions and presentation rehearsals.

Common Room: Free place for students to chat and discuss.

Digital Library: It is equipped with latest facilities to provide e-journals, e-books. Apart from this HIET Library is banked with books of latest editions to meet the syllabus requirement.

The institute is well connected with other libraries so that students may avail benefit from other libraries as well.

The mission of the Central Library is to facilitate creation of new knowledge through, acquisition, organization, dissemination of knowledge resources and providing value added services.

Contact Person

Balram Kataria
Hi-Tech Institute of Engineering & Technology,
766, 26th km Stone, NH-24, P.O- Adhyatmik Nagar
District, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh-201 015; India
Mob: 8178083563
E-mail: library@hiet.org

Library Hours
The Library remains open on all days of the year except on National holidays and Institute announced holidays.

The library hours are:
Working Days: Monday to Saturday

Circulation Section: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Reference Section: 8:30 am to 4:45 pm (Without any break)

Users Assistance

All members of the library team are available for any assistance you may need in using the library resources, facilities and services. You are also welcome to offer your suggestions about the same.


Rules & Regulations

LIbrary Services

HIET Library membership Form

HIET Book Requisition Form


To be in the forefront in advancing frontiers of engineering & management education. Known for its excellence in teaching and research and Committed to provide the best possible professional library services that develops people as leaders and managers with values, vision and adaptability.


To create a knowledge reservoir with comprehensive collection of all documents including course books, journals and inspirational material in the soft and hard format

Our Objective

To procure the necessary information in the form of books and knowledge and make it available to all the beneficiaries including students and staff at all the time, keeping in view of the College curriculum, and knowledge enhancement using the both traditional and technology-aided methods.

Our Goals

  1. To support the educational and research oriented programs of the institute by providing physical and intellectual access to information by all our students and faculty & staff members.
  2. To keep in touch with modern times through digitized information dissemination.
  3. To develop a comprehensive collection of documents useful for the overall knowledge enhancement for all faculty, staff and research community of the institute.
  4. To develop a comprehensive collection of documents useful for the overall knowledge enhancement for all faculty, staff, students and research community of the institute.
  5. To provide a complete data base, offline and online, of National and International journals to support research-based activities/studies.
  6. To provide a comprehensive collection of Books and Literature based on Motivation, Inspiration, Passion and even Auto/Biographies of great personalities who walked over the Earth.
  7. To organize activities related to the world of knowledge like Book exhibitions, Quiz etc. to develop affinity for books and craving for knowledge.

Salient Features

  • Fully automated library.
  • Seating Capacity: 150+.
  • Automated circulation
  • Audiovisual Section.
  • Self study section
  • Laptop Charging & LAN Port Section
  • Discussion Section
  • Projection Section
  • Wi-Fi Connectivity
  • Digital Library.
  • IIT & NPTEL Video Lectures.
  • Well protected with fire equipment
  • CCTV camera surveillance
  • Quiet environment.